This is just a basic guide to care for your bonsai. For more detailed information contact us or go to your nearest bonsai nursery that would gladly assist you.
A lot of time went into creating your bonsai.
Bonsai are known to live for many years depending on the type of tree.
To maintain your tree there are several rules to follow to keep your tree well and alive (always remember that a Bonsai is supposed to be a healthy tree and not a tortured/mistreated tree.) Bonsai are normal size trees that will again grow to its original size if planted back in the ground.
Most bonsai prefer to be kept outdoors, since it’s a normal tree, and it is easier to maintain and care for a bonsai outside.
The tree should receive enough morning sun (Around 4-5 hours)
Several bonsai species (ie. Wild Fig, Brush Cherry, Serissa) could be kept indoors with the right care and can make beautiful indoor bonsai. The tree should be placed where it receives good natural light but not directly against a window. Allow at least 30 cm from a window. Keep the tree away from heaters or air conditioners.
Good common sense is needed with training with a bonsai. At no stage should a bonsai be bone dry. Neither should the soil be sodden for long periods.
In summer trees should be watered daily. Care must be taken that the tree has enough water in its soil to go through the day. The tree should be watered until the water comes out of the drainage holes of the pot.
In summer the tree could be placed on a drip tray (humidity tray) filled with gravel and water. The pot must be on the gravel and not in direct contact with water. (Too much water could cause root rot.
Occasionally trees can be dunked in water for a few minutes. This ensures that the root base is watered thoroughly.
If the trees are kept indoors the tree should be taken outside and dust sprayed of the leafs.
Deciduous trees should be fed once a month in growing season with Nitrosol.
Evergreen trees once a month throughout the year.
Do not fertilize a sick tree.
Follow directions on package in order not to damage the tree.
If you care for your tree it will start to grow and give new leaves and branches. This new growth should be trimmed regularly to keep the tree in shape. Cut the new growth back to the original shape of the tree.
Your tree only has a small amount of soil and this need to be replaced every 2-3 years in order to keep your tree healthy. If you do not know how to repot a bonsai rather seek professional help.
Look out for ants and other insects.
Seek professional help.
Remember poisons are dangerous.
Lots of information regarding bonsai care is available on the internet. Make sure that if the author lives in the northern hemisphere that you remember to change the months to according to Southern hemisphere seasons.
If you are not sure what to do with your bonsai consult a bonsai nursery or grower as soon as possible.